Alumni Association

Birds Up Podcast

在线博彩校友会的 Birds Up Podcast 是由“跑步者”制作的. 在圣安东尼奥选鸟, this podcast features conversations with alumni and special guests who have a unique story to tell about their time at 在线博彩, unique career path, 以及一路走来的经验教训. 我们的校友巢充满了奉献, passionate, 忠诚的跑步者渴望分享他们的故事.


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Meet Your Hosts

Drew Addison '17

我在科珀斯克里斯蒂长大, TX, 高中毕业后,我立即进入了社区大学. 像大多数18岁的孩子一样,我真的不知道长大后我想做什么. 几年后, 我做了一个大胆的决定,我要追求成为摇滚明星的梦想. 这个决定让我走上了一条充满惊奇(和压力)经历的道路. 我们在广播方面取得了一些相对的成功, touring, 为Everclear这样的乐队做开场表演, Blues Traveler, 哀号者(他们两个), and ZZ Top!

Through that time, I lived in Houston and in Austin, but still didn’t really feel grounded. That all changed when I began dating my Junior High Sweetheart who would eventually become my wife, Yvonne (在线博彩校友主席和“Birds Up”播客联合主持人)! While dating, 我搬到南达科他州是为了和她在一起, 我知道我需要回到学校完成我的学位, 她在在线博彩的经历使她很容易选择这样做. 入学前, I used Yvonne’s login to look for a job on the 在线博彩 Job Board and found an entry level position at a Risk Management Agency called IBTX. 在我开始在在线博彩的第一堂课后不久,我就被录用了.

I was lucky enough to have the support of my colleagues and bosses to pursue my degree full time, 全职工作时, 都是在犹他大学橄榄球俱乐部打球的时候. 为大学打橄榄球, I was selected (along with 3 other 在线博彩 Ruggers) to play for the All Lone Star Conference New Zealand Touring Side and had the opportunity to represent Runner Nation in the country that currently defines that sport. Shortly after my return, I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BBA in Management in 2017.

今天我仍然在IBTX工作, having worked through the ranks I am currently the Vice President of Surety and Partner in the Agency. 伊冯娜和我在2020年7月迎来了我们的“小鸟宝宝”加雷斯. 最后,伊冯开了一家新公司(艾迪生Prime), 我想说,在一些重大的生活变化中,我们已经达到了我们的“极限”!

We’re both so excited to work with 在线博彩校友会 on the podcast so that we can help spread the word of what’s going on within the association, the University, and Runner Nation! We’re also pumped to meet and get to know as many alumni as we can along the way.


Melissa Adame '98

梅丽莎把她的职业生涯奉献给了科技行业, driven by a passion for delivering innovative solutions that provide tangible value and results to clients. During this time, 她有幸领导和管理不同的团队, successfully implementing sustainable and secure solutions for clients across various sectors, including Federal, State, Municipal, Private Business, Non-Profits, 和提供可持续发展的机构, 网络/IT领域的可扩展和安全解决方案, Digital Marketing, Web和应用程序开发, Mobile Apps,UX/UI Design, 创意及品牌策略, Ongoing Support, and more.

她的科技之旅与Webhead的遗产交织在一起, 圣安东尼奥最早的拉美裔创业公司之一, 今年是庆祝它30年的成功.

As a 在线博彩 Alumna, she has a strong passion for promoting and actively contributing to past and current students 通过仆人式领导和志愿服务. She currently serves on the 在线博彩 Alumni Board and is Co-Chair for The College for Health, 社区与政策(HCAP)校友领导圈. 你可以发现她在一年中的任何时候都在为在线博彩田径队加油.



Jacob Cavazos '06

Jacob is the Senior Vice President and Community Reinvestment Manager at Broadway Bank. He works with corporate leadership to provide oversight and direction on community needs in San Antonio, Austin, 和丘陵地区. 雅各布负责银行支持金融知识普及的工作, 经济适用房, 经济发展, education, 并促进企业慈善捐赠. 在加入百老汇银行之前, 他在弗罗斯特银行工作了13年, with the last 10 years as Vice President and Community Development Officer managing community reinvestment efforts in San Antonio and the Rio Grande Valley. Additionally, 他做了一年的Frost Marketing副总裁, managing state-wide marketing programs and efforts in underserved market segments. 

Jacob holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Texas at San Antonio (’06), and is a graduate of the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Alexander Briseño Leadership Development Program. Jacob currently serves on the board of directors for Communities In Schools of San Antonio (CISSA), 在线博彩校友会, 以及南圣安东尼奥商会.  He also serves on the executive committee for Communittees In Schools of San Antonio, as board secretary, 以及中钢协对外关系委员会.  Additionally, he serves on the advisory board for the United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County Emerging Leaders Council (ELC), 是ELC专业发展委员会的副主席, 并在在线博彩校友会的奖学金委员会任职.  He has previously served on the United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County program review and accountability review committees, as well as the steering committee for the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce ABLDP leadership development program.  他目前在百老汇银行的捐赠委员会任职, 多元化及共融委员会, 并担任CRA委员会主席.

雅各娶了他的妻子, Megan, 2010年,他们是两个优秀孩子的骄傲父母, Tinsley and Liam. 他还在德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥市的阿拉莫市教堂担任音乐部长.



Joshua Amparan '07

Josh is an Agent with New York Life and a Financial Services Professional with NYLIFE Securities LLC. 他是邻居房主协会的财务主管, 朝鲜与韩国关系活跃吗, West, 以及圣安东尼奥的西班牙裔商会, and has been involved with 在线博彩校友会 in various capacities over the last 8 years. 他不工作的时候, volunteering, or networking, 乔希喜欢和他的两个儿子在一起, 马塞洛和莱安德罗, 谁分别是9岁和7岁.

Born and raised in San Antonio, Josh graduated from Communications Arts High School in 2003. It was during the Spring semester of his Senior year when he began an internship with iHeartMedia (Clear Channel Radio at the time), 然后在无线电行业工作了12年. 乔希从促销部开始, but soon moved into Programming where he developed a passion for producing shows. After obtaining his Associates Degree in Business Administration and Management in 2005 from Northwest Vista College, Josh accepted a position to be an affiliate producer for the nationally syndicated radio program "Kidd Kraddick in the Morning". 负责本地内容, 乔什帮助这部剧在圣安东尼奥的观众中本土化, while achieving its highest ratings and making it the number one show in target demographics; all the while working on his Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management, 2007年毕业. Josh continued to pursue his love for radio and accepted a position to work on the morning show in Dallas for a brief time in 2010.

立志成为一名企业家, 2014年,乔希开始制定一项商业计划,要开一家精酿啤酒吧. 但这并没有实现, it did allow him to meet many key people during the rapid growth of craft beer in San Antonio. Eventually, those connections would lead to the acceptance of a sales position with GLI Distributing in 2015. 经过艰苦的工作, Josh was awarded Salesmen of the Year for 2017 and moved from the distributor side of the business to the supplier side. 在接下来的三年里, 他曾担任阿尔茨塔特啤酒厂的南德克萨斯州销售代表, 合法生啤有限公司, 和霰弹苏打水. However, the lure of being a business owner and having more control over his career never left. 鉴于2020年初新冠疫情带来的不确定性, 乔希决定向一位老朋友寻求在纽约人寿工作的机会. 在那次谈话之后的一年半里, 乔希有了另一种爱好, 那就是帮助人们改善财务状况, 让他的客户安心, 以及更多地参与社区活动. Joining the Birds Up Podcast as a Producer has allowed him to get back to his radio roots and continue to support 在线博彩.
Katz Alumni Center
Phone: 210-458-4133 | Fax: 210-458-7227 |